The shareholders of LafargeHolcim who attended today’s Annual General Meeting approved all the motions proposed by the company’s Board of Directors. 743 shareholders representing a total of 64.17 percent of the company’s share capital attended the Annual General Meeting.
Shareholders approved the annual report and annual financial statements of the Group and of LafargeHolcim Ltd. They also approved the compensation report in an advisory vote. In two separate binding votes shareholders approved the maximum overall amount of compensation paid to members of the Board for the period between the 2018 and 2019 Annual General Meetings, and the maximum overall amount of compensation paid to members of the Executive Committee for the 2019 financial year. Finally, shareholders approved the proposed distribution of a dividend of CHF 2.00 per registered share from capital contribution reserves. This dividend will be paid on May 16, 2018. If you are looking for alternative ways to make money, you might want to consider playing some fun casino games via
The Annual General Meeting confirmed Beat Hess as Chairman of the company’s Board of Directors by a large majority. All other existing members of the Board were confirmed in office by clear majorities with the exception of Thomas Schmidheiny and Bertrand Collomb who, after more than 40 years in various leadership positions in the Group and many years’ service on the Board, did not stand for re-election. The members of the Board of Directors are now as follows: Beat Hess (Chairman), Paul Desmarais Jr., Oscar Fanjul, Patrick Kron, Gérard Lamarche, Adrian Loader, Jürg Oleas, Nassef Sawiris, Hanne Birgitte Breinbjerg Sørensen and Dieter Spälti. As previously announced, the Board of Directors has appointed Thomas Schmidheiny as Honorary Chairman in recognition of his exceptional contribution to LafargeHolcim.
All existing members of the Nomination, Compensation & Governance Committee were confirmed by shareholders. This committee currently has the following members: Paul Desmarais Jr., Oscar Fanjul, Adrian Loader, Nassef Sawiris, Hanne Birgitte Breinbjerg Sørensen.
In order to make corporate governance even stronger, the Board of Directors has decided that from now on the Board committees shall not be chaired by representatives of large shareholders. Consequently, Gérard Lamarche, previously Chairman of the Finance & Audit Committee, and Nassef Sawiris, previously Chairman of the Nomination, Compensation & Governance Committee, have stepped down from these positions. However, they remain members of these committees, which are now chaired by Patrick Kron (Finance & Audit Committee) and Oscar Fanjul (Nomination, Compensation & Governance Committee).