Saving the Environment With Economic Ideas is a series of lectures that are designed for high school students. It allows them to participate in simulations of how the environment can be saved. These simulations show the potential consequences of economic-related policies and activities that are created by individuals, businesses, and the state to preserve and protect our environment. Examples include energy conservation and food storage and consumption, recycling and construction of parks, infrastructure and many other topics. Students will be able to apply the concepts to real-life situations as they progress through the lessons. In the end, they gain insight as well as information on the benefits of sustainable practices.
The first lesson shows students how pollution affects the environment. The effects of pollution on the environment can be divided into two categories: the direct effect and the indirect. In the first lesson, you will observe how pollution changes the prices of certain resources. The price system is affected based on the type of pollution done to the resource and the frequency with which it is used. Some resources, like water and others, like coal are non-renewable.
Different visual styles are used to represent different environmental issues. A landscape depicts land and environment, while a lattice depicts the price system by illustrating the pollution levels that could occur if the environment is not protected. Individuals and businesses must use these forms to explain their actions to conserve the environment. As the concept goes on, the deterioration of the environment is portrayed as to what happens when pollution increases, causing severe damage to the natural resources and eventually, the existence of the environment.
The second lesson is about the consequences of pollution disposal. To prevent further environmental damage, any waste material should be recycled as soon as possible. Different companies generate different types waste because they dispose of waste in different ways. The most common waste disposal method is what we call pollution disposal. In this stage, students learn about companies with sustainable models such as, who builds houses with used containers.
The third lesson deals with the cost of energy. Businesses can save money on energy by conserving it. This is because they don’t have the need to spend too much to generate electricity. The price of energy increases, which means that energy consumption costs rise. Inflation is a price increase that some economists refer to as the greatest threat to a country’s economy. Therefore, businesses should learn how to conserve energy and invest on efficient energy usage to avoid inflation and save money.
Making better decisions can be easier if we are able to understand the impact of pollution on the environment. Let us all work together to make this a reality by learning and implementing ways that we can reduce the pollution and preserve the environment.